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High performance quasi-solid-state supercapacitor based on activated carbon derived from asparagus waste

Spoke: Spoke 2 Ambito: Clean energy production, storage and saving Autori: Niyaz Ahmad, Alessia Rinaldi, Michele Sidoli, Giacomo Magnani, Alberto Morenghi, Silvio Scaravonati, Vincenzo Vezzoni,Lorenzo Pasetti, Laura Fornasini, Mauro Riccò, Daniele Pontiroli Nome Rivista o serie: Journal of Energy Storage Editore: Science Direct – https://www.sciencedirect.com/ Accessibilità: Open Access Leggi qui: doi.org/10.1016/j.est.2024.113267

Interlaboratory study assessing the analysis of supercapacitor electrochemistry data

Spoke: Spoke 2 Ambito: Clean energy production, storage and saving Autori: Francesca Soavi. Nome Rivista o serie: Toward Sustainable Li–S Battery Using Scalable Cathode and Safe Glyme-Based Electrolyte Editore: Science Direct – https://www.sciencedirect.com/ Accessibilità: Open Access Leggi qui: doi.org/10.1016/j.jpowsour.2023.233637

FPGA Implementation of Support Vector Regression for Battery SoC Estimation

Spoke: Spoke 2 Ambito: Clean energy production, storage and saving Autori: Gianfranco Lombardi, Mattia Stighezza, Ilaria De Munari, Valentina Bianchi. Nome Rivista o serie: FPGA Implementation of Support Vector Regression for Battery SoC Estimation Editore: IEEE Xplore – https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/ Accessibilità: Closed Access Leggi qui: dx.doi.org/10.1109/METROAUTOMOTIVE61329.2024.10615595

An Optimized Long Short Term Memory and Gaussian Process Regression Based Framework For State Of Charge Estimation

Spoke: Spoke 2 Ambito: Clean energy production, storage and saving Autori: Sadia Ali, Mattia Stighezza, Giovanni Chiorboli, Ilaria De Munari,Valentina Bianchi Nome Rivista o serie: 2024 IEEE International Workshop on Metrology for Automotive (MetroAutomotive) Editore: IEEE Xplore – https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/ Accessibilità: Closed Access Leggi qui: doi.org/10.1109/MetroAutomotive61329.2024.10615514

Performance Assessment of a Flywheel Energy Storage System for Households

Spoke: Spoke 2 Ambito: Clean energy production, storage and saving Autori: Elena Macrelli , Alberto Bellini , Claudio Bianchini Nome Rivista o serie: 2023 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE) Editore: IEEE Xplore – https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/ Accessibilità: Closed Access Leggi qui: doi.org/10.1109/ECCE53617.2023.10362776